Sunday, October 14, 2007

Miracle Weekend

Miracle Weekend is coming. Here is a rundown of the schedule, links to important people or events, and other information that you may like to have for that weekend. Please share this information with all of your friends, or send them here, to the Online Newsletter, so they can check things out on their own.

Friday, November 2, 2007

12:00 Noon ~ Begin Guided Prayer Vigil
6:00 P.M. ~ Free Barbecue
(The public is invited to this meal.)

7:30 - 9:00 P.M. ~
Nashville Recording Artist Celia Whitler in Concert (A free-will
offering will be taken.) If you go to Celia's webpage you'll get a chance to listen to some of her music. You can also check out Celia's MySpace page, which will allow you to listen to four of her songs from a live performance.

"I love life and love singing songs about life..."

"My life, my music, my work, are all gifts from God..."

"God calls each of us to reach beyond human existence
and live a life modeled after Christ.
Music is my means of communicating that calling --
reaching beyond words to bring healing, encouragement, and joy."

9:00 P.M. ~ Guided Prayer Vigil continues through the night.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Until 12:00 Noon ~ Guide Prayer Vigil continues.

An Afternoon for Kids
(Southern Hills Outreach Center)

1:00 P.M. ~ El Riad Shrine Clowns (with popcorn, pop, a jump house, and inflatable slide available!)

2:30 P.M. ~ Phil Baker in Concert in the Celebration Space
4:00 P.M. ~ Praise Band Extravaganza
8:30 P.M. ~ Angel Dean - Praise & Worship (A free-will offering will be taken.) To hear some of Angel Dean's music or to learn more about him enter the site and check out the "Multimedia" or "Bio" links at the top of the page. Under Multimedia you can
listen to songs or even watch a video of Angel Dean singing "Why Is This My Life".

"The night that I was planning to end my life, God had other plans.
Before that night ended, I was moved by an unexplainable love
and overwhelming feeling of hope
that melted away many years of anger,
bitterness, and resentment."

"I know about despair, loneliness, and rejection,
but more importantly, I know about God's love,
mercy, and grace."

"I am here to share the love and greatness of the Lord with the world.
I am Angel Dean and I am here by God's grace."

Sunday, November 4, 2007

9:00 A.M. ~ Church School for all ages
10:00 A.M. ~ "Hills Alive" Worship in the new Outreach Center
11:30 A.M. ~ Sit-Down Meal by Tony's Catering ($8.50/Adults & $4.00/Children)

Join your Southern Hills friends and celebrate the miracle of our new Outreach Center! We are located at 3400 East 49th Street. Call 371-2065 for more information. Everyone is welcome!

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