Sunday, December 7, 2008

SHUMC Staff Christmas Contribution

Seasons Greetings!

As you all know, SHUMC is truly blessed with an exceptionally dedicated and talented staff and December has traditionally been the time of year we honor and reward all their hard work throughout the year.

Our congregation has been very generous in the past with the contributions we make towards a staff Christmas bonus and I am writing to ask each of you to consider a contribution again this year.

Envelopes for this purpose can be found in your Sunday programs throughout the month and a box to place your contribution is located on the main table as you enter the Church.

I realize there are many things that compete for your financial attention this time of year, but also realize each of you appreciate the great effort our SHUMC staff make each and every day on our behalf. Thanks to each of you and best wishes for a wonderful holiday season!

Bruce Norton

Thursday, November 20, 2008


This Sunday, November 23rd our Church School Classes will meet at 9:30 A.M. and we will have one worship service at 10:30 A.M. (Only). The quilt auction will follow the worship service. At noon we will have a potluck dinner in the MPR room. Please bring a dish to share. Table service and drinks will be provided. Hanging Of the Greens will follow the potluck.
See you Sunday!
In the Master's service,

One more thing!

This Sunday will be the last change you have to bring items for the Warmth 4 Winter Mission.
They are especially in need of warm coats. Please check your closets and donate what you can.
Thanks for helping those in need.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Bloodmobile at Southern Hills this Sunday

Along with our Pancake Breakfast, the Bloodmobile will be at Southern Hills Church this Sunday from 8:20 am until 12:30 pm. They may be there a little later if they are busy. We currently have 17 people signed up and we can accommodate 50+ people for the time they will be there. We have no one scheduled between 8:40 am and 10 am, or from 11:10 am to 12 pm. This would be a GREAT time for some new donors to step up and give it a try. Come and eat some pancakes, waffles, and sausage before you donate! When you donate a pint of blood you help at least 3 people who really need it. Requirements are that you must be at least 17 years old, weigh at least 110 pounds, feel healthy on donation day, and know what medications you are currently taking. The whole process takes about 20 minutes. This is a tremendous outreach opportunity for our church community. Please take advantage of it!

For more information you can contact the church office at 371-2065 or email them at

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Upcoming Events

Hi Friends!

Here are some of the upcoming events at Southern Hills! I hope you will put them all on your calendar and make them a priority.

See you in worship and Sunday School on Sunday!

Stewardship, Estate Planning &
Other Ways To Give Seminar

September 28, 2008
Southern Hills Church Multi-Purpose Room
10:00 A.M.
Speaker:Bruce L. Blumer, Executive Director
Dakotas United Methodist Foundation
Everyone is invited to attend!


Sundays ~ October 5, 12, 19, 26, 2008
Multi-Purpose Room
10:00 A.M.
Stewardship Emphasis ~ 10:00-10:40 A.M.
TOPICS: Stewardship Myths, New Stewardship Paradigm,
Theology Of Stewardship, Your Money Autobiography
2009 Budget Review ~ 10:40-11:00 A.M.
Coffee Fellowship In Multi-Purpose Room!
Everyone please plan to attend, learn, and participate!

Blood Drive
Southern Hills Church
Sunday, October 12th
8:00A.M.—1:00 P.M.
Call 371-2065 to Register.
Save a life! Donate blood!

October 12, 2008
8:00 A.M.-1:00 P.M.

· All-You-Can-Eat Pancakes & Waffles!

· Sausage, Coffee And Drink Included!

· Great Food And Great Family Fun!

· Everybody Welcome! Come And Join Us!

Cost: $5.00 per person! (Ages 5 & Under are Free!)

The Soul Café guys need your help in selling tickets!

You can pick up your supply between worship services!

Prepared and Sponsored by the Soul Café Men’s Breakfast

This is one of those great opportunities to invite family, neighbors & friends!

The funds raised through this event are earmarked for parking lot repair!


Please plan to come to Southern Hills at 9:00 A.M. on Saturday morning, October 11, 2008! Our shipment of pumpkins will be here that day, and we’ll need help to unload!

In the Master's service,


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Church School

Dear Friends,

I am writing this short note to encourage you to get back into the "swing of things" and come to worship this Sunday. This community of faith is just not complete without all of you here. We miss you when we don't see you on a regular basis. Come and praise God with us at the 9:00 A.M. or 11:15 A.M. service. We would love to see you all!

Please remember that this Sunday, September 14th, we will again begin Christian Education classes for every age group. The children will be doing a rotation called "Teach Us How To Pray." The Middle School class will meet in the Kitchen/Conference Room and High School group will be meeting in the couch area in the Community Outreach Center. The Adult Class for the first part of September will be meeting in the Celebration Space at 10:05 A.M. The folks who gather will be doing "Sermon Talk Back" with me. I sure am looking forward to the dialogue with many of you.

On Sunday, September 28th, Bruce Blumer (Executive Director of the Dakotas United Methodist Foundation) will be presenting a seminar on Estate Planning. This seminar will be held in the Celebration Space and will begin immediately following the 9:00 A.M. worship service.

Every Sunday in October, the adults in the congregation are invited to do some Stewardship Education. We will probably be meeting in the Multi-Purpose Room and spend time discussing to whole concept of "stewardship." The 2009 Budget will be reviewed at each of those sessions. We will spend about 15-20 minutes discussing the budget and the rest of the time doing an overview of "stewardship" and how it relates to our lives as Christian human beings. Please plan to attend one or more of those sessions (We will be covering the same basic information each week!)

There is a lot going on around here! Come and join us in the work of that Church. Help us be a congregation that glorifies God.

In the Master's service,

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Upcoming Events

Dear Friends,
Here is a short list of upcoming events. Please take the opportunity to invite your family, friends, and neighbors. Your invitation will be more positive than any advertising we can do as a church.

This service takes place at Southern Hills on Thursday evenings @ 6:30 P.M. Together, these folks pray for Southern Hills Church and its ministry, but they also pray about personal joys and concerns. I hope you will consider joining them.

Sunday, September 7, 2008
10:30 A.M. ~ One Worship ~ Outdoor service @ Community Outreach Center. Please bring your lawn chair for seating.
12:00 Noon - 1:00 P.M. ~ Barbecue Picnic
Hotdogs, hamburgers, pork loin, and sweet corn.
Church Members & Friends Please Bring:
(Last names beginning with letters A-H)
(Last Names beginning with letters I-P)
(Last names beginning with letters Q-Z)
Remember to invite guests and bring enough food to serve those guests!
Table service and drinks provided!

12:00 Noon - 2:00 P.M. ~ Paddle Boats, Carnival Games & Great Music

"Bone-ified Jazz" will be providing music from 12:00 Noon - 2:00 P.M. (Ken Hoyne's band)


John Harris Elementary School would appreciate any help on Friday and Saturday, September 12th and 13th, to assemble the new playground equipment. Thank you!!!
We have had 4 parents sign up for building the playground on Friday the 12th 7-11:30 shift
We have 10 signed up for Friday 12:30- 5pm shift. WE NEED 50 EACH SHIFT!
On Saturday we have 19 parents signed up on the first shift and we have 13 signed up for the second shift. WE NEED 50 EACH SHIFT!
Please talk to your friends, talk to your neighbors, talk to your employers, talk to the parents as you see them pick up after school. Spread the word we NEED HELP to build this playground. Any member of the community is welcomed not just parents. There are sign up sheets on the front door of the school and also with Ann for call ins.
The 3 week count down is on!!!!!
Lydia Healy


September 14, 2008 is the date for new classes to begin. Children and Youth Classes will begin at 10:15 A.M. Adult classes start at 10:05 A.M. Watch the church bulletin for more information on the Adult Class offerings.

Please consider inviting someone to share in the remarkable life we have together. Help them to know the joy of having a faith community, a faith family, and a wonderful God.

In the Master's service,

Monday, July 28, 2008

Reappointment Celebration and Potluck

Hey Everyone

Mark your calendars and be sure to come to Pastor Reappointment Sunday on August 3rd. This coming Sunday marks Pastor Steve and Kathy's return to Southern Hills and we plan to celebrate. There will be a special Service of Reappointment during each service and a potluck that will follow at 12:15.

Bring your family and a dish to share! Don't miss this opportunity to bring friends as this will be a time of fellowship when we all get together for fun and to become reacquainted with one another. It is an excellent time for new folks to get to know us as well.

Have a great week and we hope that this will be a super beginning to another wonderful year with our pastor and his family.

Please call 605-371-2065 or simply reply to this message with any questions you may have about this event.

Your brothers and sisters in Christ,
Staff Parish Relations Committee
Southern Hills United Methodist Church

Monday, July 21, 2008

Sunday Night Bible Study

Jason and Kara Petersen have been hosting a small group Bible study in their home on Sunday nights. The group has recently finished one study is preparing to start another. The theme of the new study is "Covenant" and is subtitled "God's Project - Effective Christians". Topics included in this study are: entering into covenant relationships, exploring the possibilities of becoming a faithful Christian, recognizing our unity in Christ and how that influences our actions, living fully through discovering God's power, as well as others. We welcome anyone interested in joining. Please call 271-1485 or talk to us at Church.

A look at the next study, beginning Sunday, July 27, 2008.

The Bible presents great themes that are universally relevant for the faith formation of all human beings in all times and places. As we reflect upon faith issues in our daily lives, we can engage these themes to learn more about God and what it means to live a life of faith.

Covenant: God's Project—Effective Christians looks at the theme of covenant and the beginnings and meaning of Christian life as Paul understood it. The book offers the following sessions:

Session 1
"We're All in This Together," explores the ways in which God's love enables us to recognize and accept our own shortcomings—and those of others—and to enter faithfully into covenant relationships. (Romans 1:16-20; 2: 1-16; 3:9-20)

Session 2
"What Did I Do To Deserve This?" examines the possibilities—and the limits—of our own efforts to become faithful Christians and our need for God's grace through Jesus Christ. (Romans 5:1-11, 18-21; John 20:1-10; Romans 6:1-14)

Session 3
"The Things Of This World," explores ways to live fully in the world with all its challenges, temptations, and frustrations and to discover God's power, salvation, and strength in the life of the Spirit given to us through Christ. (Romans 8:1-17; Romans 10:5-21)

Session 4
"Who Needs You?" examines how recognizing our unity in Christ helps us as we determine what we must do and how we must act if we truly want to call ourselves Christians. (Romans 12:1-21; 14:1-13; 15:5-6)

Session 5
"No Other Gospel" explores Paul's reminder to the community of Christian converts in Galatia about the true gospel, the gift of God's grace received through faith in Jesus Christ, and how the gift is expressed in the lives of those who follow Jesus. (Galatians 1; Galatians 2:15-3:5)

Session 6
"Free to Love," explores what Paul writes about the purpose of the Law and its relationship to freedom in Christ as he challenges believers in Galatia - and us - to love one another. (Galatians 3:19-4:7; Galatians 5:1-15)

Session 7
"Living Out The Covenant Of God's Love" helps us to explore ways God's Spirit fills us with attitudes that help us to live a life that expresses covenant love of God and neighbor. ( Galatians 5:22-6:10)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Mission Trip to Mexico

Hello, friends. Laurie Rahn received and update from our team in Juarez, Mexico.

Hello, everyone!
Just thought I would send you all an update on our group in Mexico. After a longer-than-expected trip from Colorado to Mexico, all seems to be going well. They had their first work day yesterday in 105 degree heat. There were a few people who had to sit down and felt a bit dizzy but no major issues with the heat. Since there are so many people, they are building 17 houses! They worshiped together last night and will be going to the Mexican church tonight. Since they got into Juarez so late Saturday (or early Sunday I should say) they did not go to church Sunday morning. There will be a variety show on Wednesday night and Thursday they dedicate the houses.

Keep raising them up in prayers so that this trip brings them closer in their relationships with God and with each other.

God's peace,


Friday, June 13, 2008

safeTALK - Suicide Prevention Training

The Outreach Committee presents an opportunity of critical importance and you are invited...

Thursday, June 19th @ 6:30p.m. Southern Hills will host "safeTALK" a free, suicide prevention training presented by a HELP!Line Center suicide prevention specialist. The interactive training will last 2 - 2.5 hours and will help participants learn how to recognize persons with
thoughts of suicide and to connect them to suicide intervention resources. Participants will also learn the TALk steps, receive hands-on training and leave with a pocket card reminder of the TALK steps.

To participate, please put your name on the sign up sheets that will be in church on Sunday or email Jen Abels at so that we have an idea of how many people will come. The training can accommodate up to 30 participants - so please invite your friends, neighbors, and co-workers! The trainers have stated that anyone over the age of 15 is welcome to attend.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Banner for the Phil Joel / Casting Pearls Concert

If you would like to help promote the upcoming Phil Joel and Casting Pearls concert on your website or blog you can use the banner we're using. All you need to do is add the following HTML Script to your website.

Just copy and paste the script above to your website and it will place the banner, with a link, there for you. The banner image is located on my Flickr account, and is available to anyone.
I use the Phil Joel/Casting Pearls Banner Small on this blog. Feel free to look at both banners and pick the size that works best for you website. Each banner has a link above it labeled, "All Sizes." This will give you even more size options.

The banner will appear as follows:

Thanks for helping us out!

Phil Joel and Casting Pearls Official Press Release


For Immediate Release

Phil Joel, former bassist with the Newsboys, and pop/rock band Casting Pearls will be coming to Southern Hills United Methodist Church in Sioux Falls, South Dakota on May 21st, 2008. Through this tour Phil Joel and Casting Pearls will be promoting songs from their new albums due to release in late 2008.

This high energy tour will be sure to thrill and encourage audiences of all ages. To find out more information about the tour please visit

For more information or to purchase tickets please contact:

Southern Hills United Methodist Church

Reminder: If you have news about what's going on at Southern Hills that you'd like to share with everyone please email the information to Mike Colwill at We'd like to promote all of the great activities and ministries that we support. Thank you!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Phil Joel and Casting Pearls Concert Details

We mentioned in an earlier post that the next concert was on its way to Southern Hills Church. You've been waiting patiently for the details to that concert, and now I have them for you.

Phil Joel


Casting Pearls


May 21, 2008
7:00 PM
Southern Hills Outreach Center
3400 East 49th Street
Sioux Falls, SD

Tickets: $9 at the door * $7 in advance * $5 for Groups
Tickets available at:
Crossroads Book & Music
Southern Hills United Methodist Church

Preacher Feature

Dear Friends,

Some of you may already be aware of this, but I want to let all of you know. At the end of May, I will be leaving for a Renewal Leave.

Kathy and I will leave sometime in the week following the Phil Joel/Casting Pearls Concert and will return to the office in the first week in August. During that time, Ron Kramer will be your pastor in emergencies. Ron is a retired pastor from the Iowa Conference who is currently serving as the pastor for Ben Clare/Rowena. He has been a District Superintendent in the Iowa Conference and will serve you very well in my absence. We are in the process of filling the preaching duties with lay people from our congregation. You have heard these people preach and know, as I do, that they will do an awesome job. Jorjann and Pat will pick up the additional administrative responsibilities. You all know the awesome work they do and I know they will do an incredible job for this congregation. If you have emergency needs during my absence, please contact either Pat or Jorjann. They will make the contact with Ron if he is needed.

Kathy and I plan to spend the time we are gone doing a bit of traveling in the northeastern part of the United States. The remainder of the time will be spent harassing our children and grandchildren. A lot of our schedule will depend upon how my dad and Meta do in the next few weeks. As you can tell, our plans are fairly loose and that is just the way we want it to be.

We are grateful for the time to rest and refresh our minds, hearts and bodies. Not every pastor is part of a congregation that allows their pastor to participate in a renewal leave. You have not only allowed that leave, but have actively encouraged it. I pray that all of you will remain committed and engaged in the ministry of our congregation throughout the summer. We have huge commitments and responsibilities, and your continued support and involvement is crucial through the upcoming summer months. Please take your responsibility for prayers, presence, gifts, and service seriously this summer. We will be with you through our continued offerings, and in our thoughts and prayers. We will spend the summer worshipping with other churches and exploring some optional worship experiences. Thank you again for the opportunity! Love to you all!



Youth Group Mission Trip Fundraiser

Rent A Kid

Sunday, May 4, 2008 ~ 10:15-10:45 AM

If you have odd jobs that need to be done and need some help, this would be a great time to Rent A Kid! You will bid on the dollar amount, then the bidder and youth will work out between them as to what they will do and when. This is a great opportunity to get some extra help, and at the same time help our youth with their mission trips.

Small Group Chatter

There’s right, and there’s wrong. You get to do one or the other. You do one and you’re living. You do the other, and you may be walking around, but you’re as dead as a beaver hat.

John Wayne

Tuesday was Earth Day! I was driving home and heard the disk jockey share how he was going to celebrate. He chose to live another day on earth. I thought wait a minute, how does that celebrate earth day? A day later, I get it (sometimes I’m a slow thinker). Our life is a gift! We are a gift to each other! And we are a gift to the earth (when we take care of it)! Sometimes we don’t feel like a gift or that anyone cares. Stellar Kart sings an awesome song “Me and Jesus”. Someone loves you even when you don’t think so, don’t you know, you got me and Jesus. By your side, through the fight, you will never be alone. Don’t you know, you got me and Jesus. God’s greatest gift is his son Jesus, who says “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 As for me, I choose life!

May’s Mission of the Month is our Youth on Fire who ambitiously are planning two mission trips this summer: one to Sisseton, South Dakota and one to Mexico. For 20 youth and 4 adults to attend both trips, total cost is $9870. Through deposits and fundraisers, the youth have worked very hard to raise $5200 to date. $2670 is still needed. Realizing the important impact mission trips have on the faith of our kids, we would like to fully support them as a church in their endeavor. Please consider supporting our youths’ mission trips this month either through the mission of the month or by participating in Rent A Kid on May 4th to get some odd jobs done around the house. Thanks for supporting the future of the church.

Zechariah’s DiscipleshipTeam will be serving and greeting during May! You are graciously being greeted by: Bruce & Brenda Berger, Ed & Bev Durst, Tim & Anita Hakin, Ken & Wendy Hoyne, Jeff & Gwen Jares, Donn & Pat Johnson, Paul & Margaret Johnson, John & Kelly Kemp, Jim & Kathy Larson, Gary & Nita Mehlbrech, Jeff Peek, and Quentin & Barb Weidner. Thank you for sharing and serving!

Zechariah was a Jewish priest, a minister of God who worked at the temple managing its upkeep, teaching the people the scriptures, and directing the worship services. Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth were both holy and obedient; they were well along in years and had stopped even asking for children. While burning incense one day, the angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah to deliver God’s message that Elizabeth would have a son, whom we would come to know as John the Baptist. Responding in disbelief, Zechariah was unable to speak until it became a reality.

The true way is Life!

In Christ, Jorjann

Senior Pictures Needed ASAP

Southern Hills will be recognizing its

graduating seniors on Sunday, May 18th!

There is still time to get pictures in for your graduating senior so that we may use them in a special slide show that day! Contact the church office for more details.

(605) 371-2065

Rummage Sale

It’s spring and that means it’s time to clean your closets! Our church will be hosting our 1st all-church Rummage Sale on Sat., May 31st from 8AM-3PM. It’s free for you to participate...all you need to do is bring your stuff. Drop off time is Friday, May 30th, from 5-7 PM. Please price your merchandise before bringing it.

All proceeds from the Rummage Sale will go to support “SHUMC’s” Outreach Missions.

The Outreach Team Thanks You!

Women of the Bible

A new Ladies’ Bible Study has just begun on Monday evenings at 7:00 PM at the church. Their study is on “Women of the Bible”. All women are welcome!

April Mission of the Month

Our Mission of the Month for April is the Furniture Mission. This local agency provides nearly 10,000 pieces of furniture to over 1600 households each year.

Do you have gently used furniture that you would like to donate? The Furniture Mission will be parking a truck in the church parking lot on the weekend of April 26 & 27th. You can bring your furniture anytime after 1:30 on Saturday, or just drop it off on Sunday when you come for church.

If you have larger donations and you’d like to arrange for the Furniture Mission to pick it up from your house, you may contact them directly at 977-6800.

They will accept mattresses, box springs, bedding & frames, couches, chairs, tables, pack-n-plays, lamps, etc. However, they are unable to accept appliances.

Teacher Appreciaton Barbecue

Please join us on Sunday, May 4th, following second service for a church barbecue in honor of those who served as teachers this year for our children, youth, and adult Sunday School classes.

The Fellowship Team will be hosting. They will provide hamburgers and hotdogs, drinks, table service, and a sundae bar for dessert. We are asking members and friends (except those who served as teachers) to please bring a dish to pass—salad, hot dish or chips, whatever goes great with hotdogs and hamburgers.

Please remember to say Thank You to all our teachers!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Phil Joel and Casting Pearls Concert at Southern Hills

The walls of the Southern Hills Outreach Center will soon be rocking again. I have a little more information about the next concert that will take place at Southern Hills. The concert date is Wednesday, May 21. The two artists that will be performing that night are listed below.

Phil Joel is a recording artist and former band member of Newsboys.

Appearing with Phil Joel will be the Nebraska-based Casting Pearls. In early February Casting Pearls was at Southern Hills Church to lead worship for one of our services. We're excited about having them back again.

The only definite details I have for this concert are the performers above and the date of Wednesday, May 21. As I get more information I will post it here for you.

Belated Thanks for Pillar Concert

Hey, eveyone. It’s been a long time. I’ve been meaning to play catch up for a while now. My family and I have been very busy preparing for a vacation which starts this coming Thursday. Well, I’m going to do my best to get a few things up here that should have been up long ago. The first is a list of people that need to be thanked for all of their hard work on the extraordinary concert we hosted with Pillar, Building 429, Wavorly, and Brooke Barrettsmith this past February.

Here is our list of people that many of us involved felt should be recognized for their efforts and contributions.

  • Connie Maxwell for preparing meals for the bands, crew, and all-day volunteers.
  • Everyone who donated food and drinks to the event.
  • Paul Schultz for providing towels for the bands and crew.
  • Steve Eggebraaten and Saturn of Sioux Falls for allowing us to use two 2008 Saturn Outlooks to transport the bands and crew around town.
  • Midcontinent Communication for providing television advertising for the event.
  • Crossroads Book and Music for selling tickets.
  • Last Stop CD Shop for selling tickets.
  • KNWC: Life 96.5 for spreading news of the concert to their listeners.
  • Everyone who helped distribute posters and sell tickets.
  • All of the area churches that promoted this event to their congregation and friends.
  • Ross Stromseth for the construction of the stage ramp, and for being present for most of the preparation of our Multi-Purpose Room for the stage and concert set up. Ross also helped throughout the day of the concert and was around to insure the Multi-Purpose Room was returned to normal after the concert.
  • All of the volunteers before, during, and after the event. All of you were crucial to the success of this concert.
  • Trevor and Laurie Jackson for presenting this opportunity, helping to coordinate the preparation for and execution of this event, and for communicating with the Tour Manager and other concert personnel to insure everything was getting done properly.
  • A huge thank you goes out to the congregation of Southern Hills and to our Leadership Team for being willing to take the risk to host this event. Not many congregations would be willing to do what you’ve done.
  • Our neighbors and the community for being tolerant of all the additional traffic and high volume.
  • Heather, the staff, and the kids of the Southern Hills After-School and Preschool Programs for their willingness to adjust to our need to use their space.

For any that we may have missed, I am truly sorry. To make an event like this concert successful the time and energy does not come from one person, or one group of people. It comes from everyone. Thank you all.

Please stay tuned to upcoming posts for information on the next great concert, coming May 21, hosted by Southern Hills.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Pillar Concert Pictures

I was very grateful to a few individuals for sharing their pictures of the concert with me. We have some great photos here for you. Bailie Norton offered to take a number of pictures so that the church has a record of the concert. I also received pictures from a friend of one of our members. Her name is Dianna Anderson, and she is an amateur concert photographer. She places her work under the label of Swift Sunrise Photography. I urge you to check out her website. She's also done a lot of concert photography for the LifeLight festivals. Swift Sunrise Phorography can also be found as a group on Facebook.

You can find many of Dianna'a photographs, as well as those that Bailie sent me on my Flickr account. I have many many sets of pictures from Southern Hills Church events. The set with the Pillar concert pictures can be found here.

I have a very long list of thank yous that I need to make public for everyone, but I will be getting to that in an upcoming post. In the meantime, enjoy a sample of the pictures that are available at the websites listed above.

Some of Our Volunteers

Friday, March 7, 2008



I'd like to update and highlight some information about upcoming events and activities.

"Friends" ~ You will be noticing some changes in the size of the "Friends" band leading our "Hills Alive" service. We have decided to use half of the band members each week. That will give some of the members a week to sit in the congregation and worship and not have to be responsible for leading the service every week. We hope this new method will assist us in controlling the numbers on the stage and help us to control the sound a little better. We are also planning to complete the stage wiring in the next week or so (We've had a couple of generous gifts designated for that purpose.). That should cut down on the number of wires and clutter on the stage. Bear with us as we experiment and try to make improvements.

Confirmation Covenant Service ~ Our 2007-2008 Confirmation Class will be hosting the annual Confirmation Covenant Service on Sunday, March 9, 2008. The service will be held in the Celebration Space and will begin at 5:00 P.M. The parents of our confirmation students should plan to attend, and the rest of the congregation is invited to participate. Come and support our confirmation class.

Annual Cake Auction ~ Remember the Cake Auction on Sunday morning, March 9, 2008. We will start auctioning cakes at 10:00 A.M. Bring your cakes and your checkbook to help raise money for Camp Scholarships. We raised about $1,800 last year and our goal is to raise $2,000 in 2008!

Nintendo Wii Auction ~ Trevor and Laurie Jackson have donated a Nintendo Wii for the church to auction off after the Cake Auction on March 9th. The money raised will be used to help defray expenses for concerts hosted in our Outreach Center. I already have one family who has submitted a bid. This should be lots of fun! The Nintendo Wii is a hot commodity right now, so come prepared!

Breakfast With The Easter Bunny ~ March 15, 2008 is the day! 10:00 A.M. is the start time! Come and join in the fun! Bring your friends and neighbors for games, food and crafts! This event will be held in the new Outreach Center.

"Praise The God Of Resurrection" - An Easter Cantata ~ March 16, 2008 @ 3:00 in our new Outreach Center! The concert is presented by the Sioux Falls Area United Methodist Combined Choirs and directed by Dr. Charles Canaan. A free-will offering will be accepted. Invite your friends and neighbors to attend.

Passover Seder Meal ~ Holy Thursday, March 20, 2008 @ 7:00 P.M. The Passover Seder is a festive meal during which we celebrate the story of the Exodus from Egypt. Come and learn about this remarkable meal and celebrate with the Worship Design Team of Southern Hills Church. We do need you to sign up for this event so that we know how much food to prepare.

Good Friday Service ~ March 21, 2008 @ 7:00 P.M. in our Celebration Space.

Youth-Led Easter Eve Service ~ March 22, 2008 @ 7:00 P.M. Come and support our youth as we celebrate the joy of Easter!

We still have some of the door hanger bags to deliver. We are asking each member and friend to hang them on the door of 10 homes in their neighborhood. Won't you help make the deliveries? Please reach out to your family, neighbors, and friends! Invite them to join us as we celebrate the season of Lent and the joy of Easter!

In the Master's service,