Monday, July 21, 2008

Sunday Night Bible Study

Jason and Kara Petersen have been hosting a small group Bible study in their home on Sunday nights. The group has recently finished one study is preparing to start another. The theme of the new study is "Covenant" and is subtitled "God's Project - Effective Christians". Topics included in this study are: entering into covenant relationships, exploring the possibilities of becoming a faithful Christian, recognizing our unity in Christ and how that influences our actions, living fully through discovering God's power, as well as others. We welcome anyone interested in joining. Please call 271-1485 or talk to us at Church.

A look at the next study, beginning Sunday, July 27, 2008.

The Bible presents great themes that are universally relevant for the faith formation of all human beings in all times and places. As we reflect upon faith issues in our daily lives, we can engage these themes to learn more about God and what it means to live a life of faith.

Covenant: God's Project—Effective Christians looks at the theme of covenant and the beginnings and meaning of Christian life as Paul understood it. The book offers the following sessions:

Session 1
"We're All in This Together," explores the ways in which God's love enables us to recognize and accept our own shortcomings—and those of others—and to enter faithfully into covenant relationships. (Romans 1:16-20; 2: 1-16; 3:9-20)

Session 2
"What Did I Do To Deserve This?" examines the possibilities—and the limits—of our own efforts to become faithful Christians and our need for God's grace through Jesus Christ. (Romans 5:1-11, 18-21; John 20:1-10; Romans 6:1-14)

Session 3
"The Things Of This World," explores ways to live fully in the world with all its challenges, temptations, and frustrations and to discover God's power, salvation, and strength in the life of the Spirit given to us through Christ. (Romans 8:1-17; Romans 10:5-21)

Session 4
"Who Needs You?" examines how recognizing our unity in Christ helps us as we determine what we must do and how we must act if we truly want to call ourselves Christians. (Romans 12:1-21; 14:1-13; 15:5-6)

Session 5
"No Other Gospel" explores Paul's reminder to the community of Christian converts in Galatia about the true gospel, the gift of God's grace received through faith in Jesus Christ, and how the gift is expressed in the lives of those who follow Jesus. (Galatians 1; Galatians 2:15-3:5)

Session 6
"Free to Love," explores what Paul writes about the purpose of the Law and its relationship to freedom in Christ as he challenges believers in Galatia - and us - to love one another. (Galatians 3:19-4:7; Galatians 5:1-15)

Session 7
"Living Out The Covenant Of God's Love" helps us to explore ways God's Spirit fills us with attitudes that help us to live a life that expresses covenant love of God and neighbor. ( Galatians 5:22-6:10)

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