Friday, August 17, 2007

Online Newsletter Turned Over to Church Staff

Greetings, friends. When this blog was first created I did so as a kind of experiment, acting as the Tech Team, so expand on our presence on the Internet. As this "Unofficial Blog" has been accepted and transformed into the Southern Hills Church Online Newsletter the church staff and I have been discussing authorship on this website. As mentioned in an earlier post anyone can publish church-relevant information on this website. We are, for the sake of consistency, going to limit the number of authors who actually manipulate information in this newsletter.

Southern Hills Church has been set up as the official author of the Southern Hills Church Online Newsletter. The Southern Hills Tech Team (SHC Tech Team) has been removed from the authorship. So who will be writing the articles and updates, or posting your information to the website? There are four people who will be involved at this time. Pastor Steve, Pat Johnson, Jorjann Blake, and myself. By limiting it to the office staff and myself, as a Blog Administrator, we can be consistent with the posting guidelines set up by us and by law. Please refer to some of these guidelines for post submissions as referred to in the aforementioned previous article. At this time I would ask that any articles you wish to submit to the blog be sent directly to me at my personal email address ( This may change in the future, but for now is simplest for me and the other authors.

Please look for for frequent updates on new and exciting things that are happening at your church. I would also encourage each of you who hasn't to subscribe to the Receive New Post Updates by Email section at the top of the sidebar. If you have any questions, regarding this post or others, please use the "comments" button at the end of each post. This will allow you to post public questions and comments for everyone to read. We can then respond, publicly, and answer any question that may involve multiple people. If you have a question you do not want displayed publicly (and I believe you can sign your comment anonymously) then please contact me directly at my email listed above or in the Contacts section of the sidebar.

Thank you, everyone.

Mike Colwill

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