Sunday, January 13, 2008

Charge Conference 2007

I feel bad about the fact that my busy schedule has prevented me from posting anything new since the middle of November. But instead of making excuses and going into detail as to how busy I am I'll get right into some of the detail information I received from the church. I'm sure that all of you have your own busy task lists to go over.


December 5, 2007 @ 7:00 P.M.


2000 52 Sundays 7176 Total Worshippers 138 Ave.

2001 51 Sundays 8058 Total Worshippers 158 Ave.

2002 52 Sundays 8981 Total Worshippers 173 Ave.

2003 52 Sundays 9256 Total Worshippers 178 Ave.

2004 52 Sundays 9412 Total Worshippers 181 Ave.

2005 52 Sundays 9308 Total Worshippers 179 Ave.

2006 52 Sundays 9048 Total Worshippers 174 Ave.

2007 Projection 8974 Total Worshippers 173 Ave.


2000 52 Sundays $128,077.60 Total $2,463 Ave.

2001 51 Sundays $143,074.65 Total $2,805 Ave.

2002 52 Sundays $159,400.96 Total $2,996 Ave.

2003 52 Sundays $163,852.00 Total $3,151 Ave.

2004 52 Sundays $164,204.69 Total $3,158 Ave.

2005 52 Sundays $192,660.00 Total $3,705 Ave.

2006 52 Sundays $203,645.00 Total $3,916 Ave.

2007 Projection $212,000.00 Total $4,077 Ave.


2000 175

2001 182

2002 194

2003 206

2004 207

2005 209

2006 217

2007 223


Roger Jacobs


1. Preaching/Leading Worship

2. Evangelism

3. Lay Enablement Training

4. Teaching

5. Youth Work

6. Community Service


  1. Organize a “dream team” to evaluate and revitalize our current ministries, and to develop and implement a vision for new ministries based on our Mission, Vision and Values Statement.
  2. To develop an Action Plan to invite and encourage people to become a part of our congregation. This Action Plan will be developed to coincide with the completion of our addition and renovation of our current structure.
  3. To develop an ongoing program for stewardship education and generate $23,500 in monthly general offerings to sustain and enhance our ministries and programs.
  4. Generate $15,500 in monthly building fund offerings to pay on the mortgage for the addition.
  5. Begin all church meetings with devotions and end all meetings with prayer.
  6. Each family will participate in Christian Education classes three Sundays out of each month during the school year.
  7. Our youth will connect with at least one youth activity each week – Drama Team, Signing Team, Youth Fellowship, Bible study, Church School, etc.
  8. Provide two Sunday morning adult Christian Education opportunities each week during the school year.
  9. Provide two adult Christian Education activities each week, other than Sunday morning.
  10. Every member, and our active friends, will find a place to be in ministry and connect with a small group or study group.
  11. To receive at least $1,500,000 in grants and gifts-in-kind to complete the construction of our building addition.
  12. To complete construction of the new multi-purpose addition adjacent to our current structure including the kitchen, additional classrooms, offices, conference room, portico and parking areas, and AV and storage rooms.
  13. To complete the interior renovation of the Lobby.
  14. To offer support groups for Singles & Divorced persons, and new educational opportunities in Parenting, Marriage Enrichment, and Financial Management.
  15. To increase our membership to 300.
  16. To increase our average attendance to 225.
  17. To continue outreach programs that serve our ministry area.
  18. To increase the number of active participants for a laity led ministry, to encourage members and friends to be disciples who make a difference, and develop lay leadership to support our mission and ministry as we grow.


We expect every member, and our active friends, to make a commitment to grow spiritually. The best way for that to happen is to be involved in a small group. A person cannot expect to grow closer to God unless one surrounds oneself with other Christians. While in a small group, persons will participate in Bible Study and prayer, and do service projects for others. Are you connected to a small group?

We expect every member, and our active friends, to engage in Bible Study and prayer. We grow closer to God when we study the Bible on a regular basis. Think about it. We grow closer to our spouses and significant others when we spend quality time with them. We grow closer to our children when we spend quality time with them. We grow closer to our friends when we spend quality time with them. The only way to grow closer to God is to spend quality time each day with God. Are you praying and studying your Bible every day?

We expect our members, and our active friends, to be in worship. We know there are acceptable reasons for missing worship, and at times we are called to be in another place, but it is extremely difficult to grow closer to God unless we praise and worship God on a regular basis. Worship is an opportunity to join our brothers and sisters in the faith as we strengthen our relationship to God, and to our faith family, and show our appreciation for all of God’s blessings. Worship is just one more way to spend quality time with God and with your brothers and sisters in the faith. Are you in worship on a regular basis?

We expect every person connected to Southern Hills to make sacrificial financial contributions. The tithe is the Biblical admonition, and that is the goal for all of our members and friends. To grow closer to God, we must fully trust God. The single most important sign of one’s trust in God is how much one gives to God and the work of the church. Does what you give show that you trust God and that God is your highest priority?

We expect every person connected to Southern Hills to be involved in service within these walls and outside the church. It is much easier to grow close to God when we are in service to others. We want all members and friends involved in service that enables our mission and our ministry. We also encourage each person to give back to the community by being involved in service work and making a difference in the place where we live. Are you making a difference?

And finally, we expect every member and our friends to invite others to worship, to our programming and to faith in Jesus Christ. One of the best ways to grow closer to God is to share your faith. There are many people who desperately want and need to know God through Jesus Christ. We may be their only connection to the Lord, so invite them to come and experience God’s love with us at Southern Hills. Are you inviting other people to join you in your faith journey?

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